Terms of Service

Terms and Conditions of Alien Squad Sale
1.- Applicable legislation

These terms and conditions of sale of the website www.aliensquad.es regulate the purchase of physical products made by Clients through said online space. In any case, the present terms and conditions of sale of the website www.aliensquad.es will apply to all sales. Therefore it will be from The following regulations and other complementary legislation apply:

– Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws (regulations on consumers and users).

– Royal Decree of August 22, 1885, by which the Commercial Code is published (regarding distance selling (sale made outside a commercial establishment).

– The Law34 / 2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, better known as the Law of information and federal transparency (LSSI or LSSICE) regarding legal notice https: // aliensquad .es / legal-notice /.

– Law 37/1992, of December 28, on Value Added Tax regarding the payment of I.V.A. (regarding the payment of I.V.A.).

2.- Information about the products

The descriptions of the physical products offered on the website www.aliensquad.es, including the photographs, graphic or iconographic representations related to said products, are intended to provide the necessary information for the Customer to choose the purchase. In any case we use the concepts website www.aliensquad.es, website, online sales as homologated to Alien Squad, as established in the legal notice https://aliensquad.es/legal-notice/.

In the event that there is an incident attributable to www.aliensquad.es, based on force majeure, related to the unavailability of the product that the Customer has purchased (once the entire purchase process has been completed), the website will contact with the Client to reimburse the corresponding amount, the Client being considered as compensated and with nothing else to claim between the parties.

The website www.aliensquad.es reserves the right to establish certain campaigns on certain products, such as offers, coupons and discounts. In any case, said campaigns will be subject to additional conditions of sale, which in any case will be available to the Client; without this obstructing the application of these terms and conditions of sale.

It is important to note that the Client must, prior to making the purchase of the product, review the description and characteristics of the product and any other condition that appears in it (including without limitation, compliance with any term and condition of the aforementioned). ). In the case of contradiction / conflict, the descriptions of the product and the additional conditions that appear in its sale will prevail over these Terms and conditions.

The website www.aliensquad.es informs the Client that the website www.aliensquad.es, once the Client makes the purchase of the product, contacts the warehouse of the product (located in the People’s Republic of China) who will be in charge of making the delivery directly to the Client in the address that it indicates. In any case, www.aliensquad.es undertakes to respect Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, at all times, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other Complementary laws (consumer and user regulations), as well as the rest of the applicable legislation, and the Client may at any time contact the website www.aliensquad.es to manage any incidents that may occur with said products. , through the following email: pedidos@aliensquad.es.

3.- Product prices, shipping costs, taxes, fees, customs

3.1.- Price of the products

The process of purchasing the product / s through the website www.ovniki.com will be as follows:

The Client will select the product / s they want to purchase. The price of the product will appear in photographs, graphic or iconographic representations of the same.
You will then enter the necessary fields related to the size and color of the product (and the rest of the fields necessary for choosing the product / s). Then you will add the requested product / s to the basket.
Once the product / s have been selected by the Client, they will go to the “MY BASKET” section, located at the top of the web page, at which time they can access the basket to modify the purchase or continue with the process of purchase by accessing the “CHECK OUT” section.
On the “CHECK OUT” website, you will enter the necessary data regarding the billing details (C.I.F./N.I.F., Name and surname, billing address, shipping address, contact email and telephone number). Likewise, the Client may check the orders that he is going to make in the “YOUR ORDER” section of said website. In addition, the method of shipping the product / s will be requested, which in any case will be regulated in these terms and conditions of sale. To proceed with the purchase of the product / s, you must accept the terms and conditions of sale of the website www.aliensquad.es, being redirected to the “PAYPAL” platform (PayPal Holdings, Inc.). The contract for the sale of the product / s between the Client and the website www.aliensquad.es shall be deemed to have been concluded when the former receives a confirmation email from the website www.aliensquad.es. Likewise, as soon as the product / s arrive at the Customer’s delivery address, the website www.ovniki.com will send the appropriate invoice.
The offers, coupons and discounts of the products hosted on the website www.aliensquad.es are applied based on the original market price, which will appear at all times the product that the Client decides to purchase.

The website www.aliensquad.es reserves the right to modify its sales prices at any time (including those established in certain sales campaigns).

In the event of an involuntary error on the part of www.aliensquad.es when publishing the price of a product / s whose sale price to the public is manifestly lower than that offered in the market at the time of sale, when the existence of this error is manifestly notorious, it will not cause any responsibility on the part of the latter. Likewise, www.aliensquad.es will not be responsible for technical errors that appear on its website that cause the appearance of a retail price of product / s for an amount lower than that offered in the market. In any case, www.aliensquad.es will contact the Client as soon as possible and will cancel the order, returning the money to the Client. www.aliensquad.es No obligation to complete the sale or deliver the product concerned.

The final sale price will be the one that appears once the purchase process is completed, and will be paid by the Client through the “PAYPAL” platform (PayPal Holdings, Inc.). In any case, www.aliensquad.es is not responsible for the conditions imposed on the Client by said platform, which in any case the second can check at the following link: https://www.paypal.com/es/webapps/ mpp / ua / useragreement-full? locale.x = es_ES.

The www.aliensquad.es website may at any time check the product acquisition processes through its website derived from the detection of possible fraudulent operations and reserves the right to request information, confirmations and / or additional documents to the Client. , even after having made purchase / s of product / s through the referred website. Among the documentation that can be requested we find:

a written confirmation and authorization signed by the Customer responsible for purchasing the product / s.
copy of the current official identification document, with a photograph of it (national identity document, Foreigner’s identity number, passport).
The aforementioned information will be treated with the utmost diligence in compliance with the provisions of our privacy policy https://aliensquad.es/privacy-policy. In the event that the Client does not provide the aforementioned documentation within 72 hours from the sending of the email requesting the information request, the order will be automatically canceled, without the need for subsequent notice, without incurring in responsibility on the part of the website www.aliensquad.es, proceeding to the automatic refund of the amount paid by the Client regarding said product / s.

By accepting these terms and conditions of sale, the Client agrees to submit to the procedure of detection of possible fraudulent operations, authorizing the website www.aliensquad.es so that, once the Client provides the aforementioned information and additional documents, these are used for future transactions that the same Client performs.

3.2.- Shipping costs

Shipping costs will appear in the “SHIPPING METHOD” section under “YOUR ORDER”, sections included in the “CHECK OUT” website, and will be added to the final price of the product. It will be the Client who will decide which is the method of shipping the product / s. Among these we find:

Ovniki Standard Free Shipping.

In any case, the delivery of the product is considered made from the moment in which the product has been made available at the place of delivery indicated by the Client or at the corresponding collection point. In case of loss, impairment or theft of the product, it must be transmitted by the Client to the company in charge of delivering the product. Likewise, the website www.aliensquad.es requests the Client to report such incidents within a period not exceeding 24 hours from when the product is made available.

If, at the time of delivery of the product to the address indicated by the Client, no one is present at the address, the Client will be obliged to contact the carrier to arrange a delivery date. In the event that, after arranging the delivery date, it could not have been carried out for reasons not attributable to the carrier or www.aliensquad.es, the product will be returned to the supplier, in which case the website www.aliensquad.es may charge the shipping and return costs, as well as the possible associated management costs. Subsequently, it will proceed to refund the amount paid by the Client prior to the discount the amounts referenced above. This stipulation will have to be understood as long as we are not faced with the exercise of the right of withdrawal contemplated in articles 68 and following of the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws (regulations on consumers and users).

At the time of delivery of the product, the Client or the recipient of the same is obliged to display an identification document to the carrier, verify the apparent state of the packages and sign and record on the delivery note (in the format presented by the carrier) the observations and reservations apparent at that time (lack of packages, damage, apparent handling of the products or packaging) If the delivery note is on paper, the Customer must request a copy of the delivery note from the carrier. In the event that, when opening the packages with the products, the Client observes that they are damaged, they must communicate it by email to pedidos@aliensquad.es within 7 calendar days from delivery.

3.3.- Taxes, fees, customs

As reported in the second stipulation of these terms and conditions of sale, the website www.aliensquad.es is an online sales business. This means that the Customer is solely responsible for the payment of customs expenses (fees and VAT) that may be generated in the processing of the product / s without anything being claimed from the website www.aliensquad.es or its owners. We reiterate that it is the supplier who directly delivers the product to the Customer.

In any case, and for informational purposes only (and in any case it will be subject to future legislative changes), customs expenses that exceed 22.00 euros will amount to 17% in terms of tariffs when we find clothing products or footwear and 21% VAT

4.- Return of products

4.1. Withdrawal

The Client has a period of 14 calendar days from the delivery of the product to withdraw from the contract, that is, to withdraw from the purchase of the product / s purchased on the website www.aliensquad.es.

The exercise of the right of withdrawal will be free for the Client. This implies that the Client shall not pay the costs of forwarding www.ovniki.com of the product / s that have been delivered by the supplier, the website www.aliensquad.es being the one who assumes such costs, provided that said shipment is carry out by ordinary mail. In any case, the aforementioned requests may be made at the following email address: pedidos@aliensquad.es.

In the same sense, the Client will have the right to restitution of the benefits (refund of the sums paid by the Client) in accordance with the provisions of articles 1,303 and 1,308 of the Civil Code, as long as the Client proceeds to return the product . This includes the assumption by www.aliensquad.es of the ordinary shipping costs through the Sociedad Estatal Correos y Telégrafos, S.A. (Post). In any case, the Customer is informed that the difference of the express shipping costs is not included. The return of these amounts will be made before 14 calendar days from the date on which the Customer has informed the decision to withdraw from the contract to www.aliensquad.es, and will oblige the Customer to refund / return the product / s on which said right has been exercised.

In the event that www.aliensquad.es has not returned the previous amounts within the established period, as long as the Client has reliably communicated his will to www.aliensquad.es and has returned the product / s, the Client will have the right to claim the return of the sums paid in duplicate, without prejudice to the damages that may derive from it.

In the event that the Client exercises the right of withdrawal without returning / returning the product / s to www.aliensquad.es, as long as the loss / destruction of the product is attributable to the Client, the latter will be liable for the market value of the product / s at the time of exercising the right of withdrawal, unless said value is higher than the acquisition price, in which case it will be liable for the latter.

In any case, you can access the withdrawal form by clicking on the following link:

4.2. Return of products.

Outside of the terms established in the previous section relating to the exercise of the right of withdrawal of the product / s (stipulation 4.1. Withdrawal), once the product / s have been delivered to the Client, if the latter requests a refund, the website www. aliensquad.es will proceed to a refund of the product once received in return, the Customer being responsible for the shipping and return costs of the product / s that may be generated, as long as the Customer returns the product / s in question to www.aliensquad.es.

In any case, www.aliensquad.es will check with the supplier the suitability of the returned product / s, reserving the right to make a refund if it detects that the product purchased and the returned product do not coincide or that the return is not has made in accordance with these terms and conditions.

The management of the return of the product / s by www.aliensquad.es will be carried out within 72 hours from the confirmation of the arrival of its facilities of the returned product / s, and in any case, never in a period greater than the 15 calendar days since the Customer communicated the return. The address where the product has to be sent will be: C / Virgen de los Reyes, 4, 41300 from the  (Sevilla) to the attention of Alien Squad.

The refund of the amounts paid by the Client, under the conditions established above, will be made through the “PAYPAL” platform (PayPal Holdings, Inc.) or his Paymenth Method.

5.- Product guarantee

All products purchased from the website www.aliensquad.es will have a guarantee of 2 years from the date of delivery of the product. The Client is obliged to inform www.aliensquad.es of the lack of conformity within 2 months from when it became aware of it. All this in accordance with the regulations regarding the protection of consumers and users.

The guarantee does not include deficiencies caused by negligence, knocks, improper use or manipulation, unsuitable tension, electrical accidents, installation and / or use according to the product / s.

The Client will not have the right to exercise the guarantee:

a) If you lack the proof of purchase of the product / s To make use of the guarantee, it is essential to keep the proof of purchase of the product / s.

b) If the product / s identification number is manipulated or repaired.

c) If some of the details of the product / s guarantee provided or the proof of purchase of the product / s are modified, altered or replaced.


The Client, in order to exercise the product / s guarantee right, must provide the appropriate documents (invoice, contact details, DNI, NIE, passport) requested by www.aliensquad.es.

The Client may lower the price or terminate the contract.

a) The price reduction will be proportional to the difference between the value that the product would have had at the time of delivery had it been in accordance with the contract and the value that the product actually delivered had at the time of said delivery.

b) The contractual resolution will imply the return by www.aliensquad.es of the price paid, adopting as it the price existing at the time of communication of the exercise of the product guarantee, as long as said price is not higher than the price that was paid at the time of purchase, and that will appear on the Customer’s invoice.

6.- Modification of these terms and conditions

The website www.aliensquad.es reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions of sale at any time and without prior notice. That is why it is important that the Client carefully read them at all times.

The nullity of any of the stipulations contained in these terms and conditions will not affect the validity of the contract, as long as they do not affect the central core of the product / s purchase contract.

Customers will have at their disposal on the website www.aliensquad.es these terms and conditions of sale, which must be accepted by the Customer in order to celebrate the purchase of product / s with www.aliensquad.es.

7.- Limitation of liability

The responsibility of the website www.aliensquad.es will be limited to the purchase price of the product / s purchased by the Client, without prejudice to the provisions of the applicable regulations and these terms and conditions of sale.

8.- Applicable law and jurisdiction and competence

As established in the first stipulation of these terms and conditions, the legislation applicable at all times to the conditions of sale will be Spanish.

In accordance with the provisions of Law 1/2000, of January 7, on Civil Procedure, provided that the Client acts as a consumer and user (natural person), the Courts and Tribunals of the consumer’s domicile will be competent for the resolution of discrepancies or disagreements that may arise.

Likewise, in cases in which the Client is a legal entity and does not act as a consumer and user, the Client renounces the competent jurisdiction, with the Courts and Tribunals of the locality of Sevilla being competent to settle any discrepancies or disagreements. that may arise.