Refund Policy

Returns and exchanges 14 days!
We do everything we can to ensure you are happy with your order but if you need to make a return or exchange, please follow the simple steps below. Contact with us within 14 calendar days from when you receive the product via e-mail at:, including the following details:

  • Full Name
  • Order number
  • Phone number
  • Complete list of Items being returned & reason for return
  • If you require a refund/exchange/store credit please detail this.


100% Refund insured
After an Order is shipped, no changes to the order can be made. We won’t be able to cancel an order once is shipped, you’ll have to return it to us to be able to make you a full refund.*

Please note:
Swim/Bodysuits, Intimates, face masks, earrings & lipsticks / cosmetics are not returnable, due to hygienic restrictions. Items must be in their original condition and in their original packaging, unworn, unwashed and complete with their original labels and tags. Any promotional items included free of charge must also be returned shall the order be returned in full. Any duties on returned goods will remain the responsibility of the customer.

Buyer Protection
In case the item received is in poor condition, or you want to change it, you have 14 calendar days to claim via email at:
You can choose 1 among the following options:
1. Return the product to exchange or refund it.
2. Keep the product and receive a 25% discount on your next order. **

Lost Order
In the event that an order is lost, the order will be reimbursed if after 90 days it has not been received. This period had to be extended due to Covid-19 situation. We’re really sorry for all inconveniences caused, but you will be 100% refunded and you’ll can keep the item for FREE if it arrives after this time.

* Shipping costs from returns are paid by the customer.
** Discounts are not cumulative with each other or with others.